"Växter med livserfarenhet"
"Alla växter har en historia att berätta. Det säger tre formgivare som har startat 'Vintage Plant', ett projekt som samlar in och säljer vidare begagnade växter" (Sydsvenskan, lördag den 28 juli 2007)
"Hanna Nilsson och Sofia Østerhus pekar på en trälåda som står gömd bland alla växter i deras ateljé i ett gårdshus i Köpenhamn.
- Allt finns samlat här. Kartor som visar var de olika växterna bott, deras släktträd, fotografier och berättelser från tidigare ägare, säger Sofia Østerhus."
"En växt präglas precis som vi människor av sin bakgrund. Den påverkas av var den har levt och vem som tagit hand om den. Därför säljer 'Vintage Plant' inte bara begagnade kaktusar och pelargonsticklingar. Som köpare får man även växtens hela historia."
Växten på bilden hittade Sofia Østerhus kvarlämnad när hon flyttade in i sin nya lägenhet. Hon frågade runt och fick fram att den tillhörde sonen i huset Lauge.
Lauge says:
My father gave me the plant for my birthday when I was 10 years old. The plant I got was an offspring after a giant tree he once had. My father got it from an old friend that was moving to Pakistan to work as a doctor. When he couldn't bring it, my dad was asked to look after it and he did so with pleasure. My father has brought it with him when he has moved and during the 20 years he had the tree it grew really big and got lots of offsprings that he gave to friends and family. One of those is the plant I got and living in Teglgårdstrædet. I think it has only grown about 20 cm during the years I have had it. Once when I was little I tried to get it to grow faster by repotting the plant and put it in desert sand that I got from my grandmother but it didn't help much.
Från www.vintageplant.net
My father gave me the plant for my birthday when I was 10 years old. The plant I got was an offspring after a giant tree he once had. My father got it from an old friend that was moving to Pakistan to work as a doctor. When he couldn't bring it, my dad was asked to look after it and he did so with pleasure. My father has brought it with him when he has moved and during the 20 years he had the tree it grew really big and got lots of offsprings that he gave to friends and family. One of those is the plant I got and living in Teglgårdstrædet. I think it has only grown about 20 cm during the years I have had it. Once when I was little I tried to get it to grow faster by repotting the plant and put it in desert sand that I got from my grandmother but it didn't help much.
Från www.vintageplant.net
Postat av: Elin
helt fantastisk! jag älskar växter som inte är purfärskt perfekta. jag har ärvt skott av blommor som min mormors mor ägt, det är ett fantastiskt arv även om jag inte har särskilt gröna fingrar.